Federal Flood Insurance Now Available
The City of Arapahoe has joined over 22,000 communities nationwide that are allowed to purchase federally backed flood insurance. This availability follows the community's adoption and enforcement of ordinances to reduce flood losses and . . .
Economic Development Program Update
The City of Arapahoe proactively connects with existing businesses in an effort to understand and respond to local business needs. Since 2010, the City of Arapahoe has proudly assisted in several different economic . . .

CARES Act Funding - Public Input Needed
Arapahoe will be receiving Coronavirus State and Local Recovery Funds this year and next year, and we are seeking public input for how these funds should be used in Arapahoe. The Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds provide . . .
ACE Gas Selection Period Open through April 26
April 6th marks the start of the 2023 Gas Selection period, and you can sign up for ACE until April 26. Please call our office if you have any questions. 308-962-7445. We are an ACE supporting community. To date ACE has given . . .

Register for COVID-19 Vaccine
Local Vaccine Information: Southwest Nebraska Public Health District is requesting that eligible people who wish to receive the COVID-19 vaccine register through the processes below. Eligible individuals at this . . .

Download our App
One benefit of renovating our website was the ability to add a mobile app to help keep our community informed. By downloading the app, community members have access to recent news, a community calendar, a direct link for paying utility . . .

Boil Water Notice is Lifted
Customers of City of Arapahoe were notified on December 19, 2020 of an E-coli bacteria contamination with our drinking water and were advised to boil water or to use bottled water. We are pleased to report that the contamination has been . . .

Arapahoe Receives Two Grant Awards
Over the past several months, the City of Arapahoe has been working with Five Rule out of Kearney on two grant applications. The first grant that the City of Arapahoe applied for was through the Nebraska Investment Finance . . .

Arapahoe Adds a Mural to Downtown
Watch the video of the mural creation here. During the summer of 2020, Arapahoe invited two college students to come live, work and serve in the community through the Fellows Program hosted by Rural Futures Institute, now called . . .

Arapahoe Public Library Breaks Ground to Begin Renovations
The Arapahoe Public Library originated in 1919 and works to serve our community, provide research tools and to ignite imaginations. Over the past couple years, the library has set a goal to renovate its current building in order to meet . . .

Student Fellows Make Impact in Arapahoe during Summer 2020
During Summer 2020, Arapahoe hosted two Rural Student Fellows to help our community continue growth and development. The following is their reflection on their experience. You can watch a video from their experience here. . . .